Sleep and beauty go hand in hand. Absence of sleep goes hand in hand with stress.
Night time is a chance for your cells to regenerate and repair. I stay less concentrated, more irritated, with more headache and burden all over my body when I sleep less than 8 hours. My skin is sensitive towards absence of sleep becoming less elastic and covered with outbreaks of pimples.
Why do we do it to ourselves? I mean, why do not we sleep well? Reason 1: We can’t. Something bothers us emotionally or physically. Solution: read my post about Stress. Reason 2: Too many destructions: TV, YouTube, Instagram. Solution: Shut it down. Just do it. Without proving, arguing, debating reasoning with yourself. Push the off button without thinking. Close your eyes for 3 seconds. Open. Go to brush your teeth. Think about many benefits and endless energy you’ll get next morning.Warning: social media is an emotional drainage system. Someone looks better than you on the picture, someone got 150 like and you only 3, or posted depressing comment…by the time you are reading the fifth post your brain is done. Instead of focusing on your goals, relaxing, being integral. Integrity is crucial. You are sleeping much better when you are consistent. It is a piece of cake to follow regime if you are loyal to your values. Reason 3: Harmful Environment: too much alcohol, tobacco, noise, dust, improper temperature, level of humidity, uncomfortable mattress, undesirable location or people close by, cheap bedding. Those things are easier to correct. Reason 4: Poor Hygiene: Pillow cases, covers, sheets must be clean. Showers are essential to take before going to bed. Lotions and defusers with lavender can help to relax mind and body. Night routine such as listening to calm music, reading an actual paper cover book (not computer), applying a mask will prepare you for entering into a dream land, which is so important for your body to have.
Other things which help me to sleep well: