The way you look is important is important. Ukrainians care about what they wear. It does not mean they will expect to see you in Calvin Klein but you should keep away from hiking shoes on the first date. Not necessary to show up with the flowers at the airport but it matters if your shirt is cleans and ironed or it is smelly old piece of abstraction on your chest. Your hairstyle, nails, face, should be neat and clean. Of course you can add a small present or rent a great car to make an impression but if it is not who you are it is better not to do it. It is ok just to show up and not be late. Wait for her and look in her eyes with a big smile and a warm hug. Forget about all business, put a laptop away. Make a clear statement: I was waiting for you and all my concentration and attention is for you right now. It is ok to be a bit nervous and therefore funny, the main thing is to remain sincere and natural. Ukrainians are emotional people. If they see your honesty and friendliness they will walk with you a long way and open up fast.
My first date with Nick was about driving in a car talking about everything until I got tired after flight and he brought me home to sleep. Very much romantic. I will never forget the house tour and my room with my own restroom and bath. The location does not matter that much rather than knowing a person, telling her who you are, what you want. The whole world can be explored later after the decision is made you want to stay together, and the first date is a crucial time to understand it. It took me 8 hours to say YES to Nick’s proposal to marry. Is not it crazy? The truth is a woman and a man do not need much time to know if they are compatible and there is a future for them. So, stay concentrated and balance during the first date. Know what you want, who you are, dare to ask a lot of questions, tell about yourself, make moves. Do not waste a girl’s time. Do not be lost or shy or frightened. You are a man and therefore the initiative should come from you.
I hope my advice does not prompt you to be rude and drag a woman to bedroom for sex. This is a complete waste of time and a road to nowhere. Be serious about relationship. Plan ahead and may God gives you wisdom and courage to succeed long term.