We are complex and wonderfully designed. Our soul, mind, body must be studied by ourselves. Until we understand what our main principles, values, beliefs are, a chance we find the right person is minimized. Look deep inside yourself. What do you see? Who are you? What do you value in life?
I would not even think about staying with a person who is weak:
- Spiritually. I am a Christian and sharing one faith is a must for me.
- Mentally. I am an active thinker and must be stimulated in conversation.
- Emotionally. I do not like drama, quarrels, screaming in relationship.
- Physically. I would like to share time in the swimming pool, gym, yoga with my soulmate.
You can change, expand or make the list more detailed. Let us say, your preferences may include traveling together because you know you are an explorer; freedom because you are an artist, financial stability because you value comfort and want to have a house.
Building relationship is similar to a house construction. Design, materials, foundation as well as the projections of an architect should be right. Otherwise, a future house will be too tight, too smelly, too cold for you. Take time and know as much as you can about yourself. Study your preferences. Feeling at home is worth an effort.
It seems we control many things in life. What an illusion. Especially when it comes to relationship. Things, people’s behavior turn out to be different from what we planned or expected it to be. “I thought he would give me more time” “Why did not he reply to my text?” “How dare you compliment another girl?” all this leads to stress.
Let it go. God is in control. You are not supposed to read other people’s mind, judge, control their will. Set yourself free from it. Choose to be happy doing your best, staying true to yourself and your principles.